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Attend a Sunday Service for worship, prayer, the preaching of God’s word, and the Lord’s Supper.

New to The Village Church Denton or Looking to Get Further Connected?

Hello! We’re grateful you’re looking to get connected to the Village Church family Denton. On behalf of our elders and deacons, it is a pleasure to help you get involved here.  There are still opportunities for growth in God’s word and relational connection at The Village Church Denton. Here are a few ways to get involved:

1) Visit Our Sunday Service

Service Times

Sunday: 8:45 a.m. or 11 a.m.

On Sunday mornings, we gather to abide in our liturgy together. People typically dress casually for service. Our liturgy consists of a call to worship, worship through singing, scripture readings, confession and assurance, passing the peace, a sermon, the Lord’s Supper, a benediction, and the doxology. All are welcome to join our Sunday services and to join us in our liturgy as we worship the Lord together.

Learn More About Our Liturgy

What is Liturgy?

Liturgy is simply the elements of the worship service. Each part helps us worship God, consider His word and how to respond to it. As we participate together, we grow in our love for God and our neighbors.

Preparatory Song

The music at the beginning of the service to prepare us for worship. We listen to the prelude, think about the words and pray for God to help us learn today and worship Him. You can sing along softly to the prelude as well.

Welcome and Call To Worship

When an elder or minister calls the congregation to worship God together by singing and praying.

Singing and Prayer of Praise

When we praise God in song and tell Him how great He is. A member of the worship team leads us in both singing and prayer. Sometimes we read a scripture together out loud. Here is a Spotify playlist of some of the songs we sing together.

Prayer of Confession, Assurance of Pardon

When we pray and tell God the truth about our sin. A member of the worship team leads us to consider our sin and confess it quietly to God. Sometimes we read a prayer of confession together out loud. Then, we are reminded of God’s forgiveness for His children because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. 

Prayer of Generosity

When we consider how generous God is to us. We respond in gratitude and also consider how we are being generous with what God has given us, specifically our money.

Announcements and Greeting

When we stand up and introduce ourselves to people sitting near us. This is a time to greet one another and help each other feel loved, welcomed, and encouraged.

Reading of Scripture

When a member of the church reads the passage of scripture we’re learning from out loud. They stand on the stage to read. We stand at our seat with our bibles open and read along silently. At the end, they say “This is the word of the Lord”. We respond by saying, “Thanks be to God”.


The message preached by the pastor from God’s word to teach, correct, or encourage the congregation. Beau Hughes is the pastor who preaches most consistently.

Lord’s Supper

When the church remembers Jesus’ death in their place for sin by taking a small piece of bread, dipping it in juice and then eating it. The bread and juice remind us of Jesus’ body broken and blood shed when He died for sin. The Lord’s Supper is explained during each service by a pastor or minister and comes right after the sermon.


When a pastor or minister prays a blessing over the congregation as they are dismissed.

What About My Kids?

We have children’s ministry during service. Little Village is for children one-year-old through kindergarten. Drop-off starts at 8:30 am. Consider arriving a little early as space quickly fills up. Kid’s Village is for children who are in first through fifth grades. They begin in service with family and dismiss before the sermon through with their class leaders.

2) Fill Out a Connect Card

Take a few moments to complete our online Connect Card. This will help us learn how we can best serve you. A member of our Connections Ministry will follow up with you.

3) Visit a Membership Class

At The Village Church Denton, our membership classes serve as an introduction to the life of the church. If you are interested in getting more connected to community, membership classes are the best way to get involved and to be known in the community even if you are not quite ready to be a member. The classes are offered regularly and can be attended in any order.

Roy Onyebetor


Please email Roy Onyebetor, Associate Minister of Connections and Communications, at Roy@thevillagedenton.church. We look forward to connecting with you soon!

Our History