We’re not disconnected individuals. We follow Jesus together. These are our church’s practices for abiding in Jesus together.
We are formed into Christlikeness through habits that we practice together.
At The Village Church Denton, we order our lives around eight rhythms that help us follow Jesus as his disciples. We believe that by cultivating these rhythms of abiding, we can experience a closer walk with Jesus and grow in our faith journey.
These practices are for the entire church community, from newcomers to long-time members, who seek to explore and engage in these transformative practices. Join us in following Jesus together by embracing these rhythms of abiding in God’s love.
Want to learn more about our rhythms of abiding? Listen to our sermon series explaining each rhythm and the heart behind them.

Abiding in the Story
As Christians, we live our lives in a different story. Instead of living in the stories of the world, we live in the story of God. We do this in multiple ways including the historical church calendar.
It's a beautiful story of redemption, hope, glory, joy, and love. As a community, we want to display this story to the world through the ways that we live with each other in service and love.

Abiding in Waiting
While Christians live in this world, we are waiting for a new heavens and new earth when King Jesus returns.
That doesn’t mean we ignore this world. Instead, we love and serve this world as a living example while we patiently await the time when all will be made right.

Abiding in Prayer
God hears the prayers of his people. We seek to always be in communion with God through prayer.
We do this as a community by prayer together in our Sunday service, in our monthly Church-wide prayer service, and throughout the week in home groups.

Abiding in Liturgy
Liturgy means “the work of the people.” Every Sunday, we gather together as the body of Christ and work out our salvation together.
We do this through worship, scripture reading, prayer and confession, generosity, passing the peace, the proclamation of the Word, and the Lord’s Supper.

Abiding in Feasting
Christians are people of joy! We celebrate the Lord’s redemption of his people and anticipate the feast to come in the new creation.

Abiding in Fasting
As we wait for the Lord’s return, we acknowledge our need for him through fasting. By abstaining from sustenance for our bodies, we increase our dependence on the sustenance of the Holy Spirit.

Abiding in Sabbath
We are human beings, not human doings. Sabbath is woven into the fabric of creation.
We encourage all of our members to find time in the week to stop, rest, worship, and delight.

Abiding in Witness
The Church exists to bless the world as a witness to the blessing we have received in Jesus.
We witness to the world through evangelism, missions, justice, and our character.