
If Jesus is the cornerstone of our church, then membership is the cement that holds us all together.


A Weighty and Wonderful Commitment

Our Membership Classes are the first steps for newcomers to learn more about The Village Church Denton and those curious about church membership. These four classes offer an opportunity to meet our church leadership, ask questions, and explore what membership means. 

Membership Classes are for guests exploring church membership or wanting to know more about our church’s beliefs and practices. Whether you’re brand new to the church or have been attending for a while, these classes are designed to accommodate you, and you can attend the four classes in any order. Learn the significance of membership in the church, ask your questions, and take the next step. While we believe church membership is important, attending the classes does not commit you to joining the church.

Becoming a Member

If the Bible is the cornerstone of our church, then membership is the cement that holds us all together. Both Christ and Paul pointed us toward membership for our encouragement, our protection, and our instruction. We seek to carry out this vision through our four-step process by which to join The Village Church Denton.

All classes at 1:30 pm unless noted otherwise.  Classes can be attended in any order.

Membership Class Two Day – May 17 and May 18

Friday – May 17 (7-9pm)

  • Welcome, Check-in, Introductions
  • Session 1 – Statement of Faith
  • Session 2 – Why Membership?

Saturday, May 18 (9-11am)

  • Session 3 – Covenant
  • Session 4 – Mission and Outreach

Upcoming Events

The Four Step Membership Process

1. Four Membership Classes

All prospective members must attend our class. The curriculum is composed of four one-hour classes entitled:

  1. Statement of Faith
  2. Why Church Membership
  3. The Covenant and Life Together
  4. Missions and Outreach

2. Required Reading and Listening

We require prospective members to read What Is a Healthy Church by Mark Dever before signing the Membership Covenant. This book is handed out at Membership Class. It explains what membership is and why it’s important to commit to a local body of believers.

We also require prospective members to listen to three messages. They are as follows:

3. Membership Interview

In a meeting, the prospective member meets with an elder and/or deacon to provide basic biographical information and recount God’s converting work in his or her life. The prospective member would then sign the statement of faith and church covenant, and the application would go to the elders.

4. Congregation Affirmation

Elder Recommendation – At a regularly scheduled elders’ meeting, the elder will review the applicant’s testimony with the other elders. Upon receiving their collective approval, the candidate’s application proceeds to the next step: congregational affirmation.

Congregational Affirmation – During our every-other-month members meetings, an elder briefly describes how the applicants, who are desiring to be admitted to membership, have come to know the Lord. The members then vote to welcome in new members.

We take membership seriously and with a lot of gravity. Committing yourself to a body of believers is weighty. But it’s also wonderful. When Members join, they commit to a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a biblical degree of responsibility, service and sacrifice to their brothers and sisters. Our elders and leaders also pledge to assist our Covenant Members with care, counsel, prayer and teaching.


Baptism is intended only for those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ and can give sufficient testimony to the basics of Christian beliefs. We baptize by immersion because it is not only the original significance of the word but also best symbolizes the reality to which baptism points-our death and resurrection in Christ.

If you have not been baptized following salvation, we ask you to take this step before becoming a Covenant Member.

For questions about the membership process and documents, please email Roy Onyebetor.

