Ministry to Marriages

Equipping couples for a faithful marriage

At our church, we’re dedicated to nurturing strong, Christ-centered marriages. We believe that God strengthens individuals as they walk with Jesus, and this impacts every facet of our lives, including our relationships. No matter your stage in life, from being single to parenting, we’re called to embody compassion, kindness, humility, and love (Colossians 3:12-14).

We’ve recognized the need to help couples connect their Christian faith with their marriage. Sometimes, it’s challenging to bridge these two aspects. That’s why we offer specific ministries designed to help couples navigate unique situations and challenges.

Our ministry, firmly rooted in the Word, equips couples with tools and resources to navigate the ups and downs of married life while celebrating the blessings that come from aligning their union with God’s desire for their marriage.

Are you interested in joining a marriage group in the future? Or are wanting to grow in connecting your faith in Christ with your marriage? Email Clint Crawford, Associate Pastor of Marriage and Family

Our Marriage Groups are a biblically-based resource that empowers couples to reconnect, reignite, and renew their marriages. Through engaging discussions, practical exercises, and heartfelt support, our Marriage Groups create a safe and nurturing environment where couples can

Marriage Groups are offered in closed groups each semester.

The marriage discussion group will run from February 6th through April 23rd, skipping the weeks of March 12th (spring break) and March 26th (Holy Week). It will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm.

Marriage Group Topics

Each week will focus on a different topic related to marriage:

  1. Love 
  2. Grace and Humility 
  3. Communication and Conflict 
  4. Communication and Conflict 
  5. Forgiveness 
  6. Making Amends and Reconciliation 
  7. Roles and Expectations
  8. Intimacy (Spiritual, Emotional, Physical) 
  9. Intimacy (Spiritual, Emotional, Physical) 
  10. Finances

Participants will be given discussion questions ahead of time to consider as a couple. 

Pre-Marital Counseling

Marriage was created by God for the display of His glory and for the joy of His creatures. Through this gift, we are called to consider not only God’s covenantal love but also His incredible patience and unconditional mercy toward His beloved. Because this takes effort and intentionality, we strongly encourage engaged couples to supplement their marriage preparation through formal premarital mentoring relationships.

  • Register online at least six months before your wedding date.(Note: Both partners must complete separate intake forms.)
  • If we are able, we will assign a marriage mentor couple to you. We ask that couples meet with their marriage mentors at least eight times.
  • Upon registration confirmation, we will send you next steps and books to order for pre-marital.