Cassie Mayer
Deaconess of Home Groups
The Lord, in his gracious mercy, drew me unto him from an early age. My beloved
parents raised me to know and honor the Lord. My family attended church consistently while I
was young, and while there was a gap of time that we were not in church, the Lord was still
honored and praised in our home. I began to attend youth services on my own with friends in
the 8th grade, which is when my faith became my own. The Lord called me to follow him at a
church youth camp. My heart was made new. The Lord took my young heart at a crucial point
in my adolescence.
He saved me and set me on his path just as I was looking for a path to follow as I journeyed out of childhood and into maturity. I was already developing patterns of anger and self-righteousness that were steering me away from all the beauty and freedom that the Lord has in store for those who trust him. I praise the Lord that he was so gracious to me in saving me from these patterns (and I continue to praise him for his patience and long- suffering with me).
I began attending youth services at an Assemblies of God church in high school, where the Lord formed me profoundly. He taught me his heart for me and for the world around me. He gave me a deep love for his Word and he broke my heart for the nations. I carried that heart within me to college at UNT, where I met my husband, Ben.
For the last 2 decades, I have witnessed the Lord continue to be so faithful and
steadfast through many trials and triumphs, both to me personally as well as to this church. I
am continually humbled by his love that, “surpasses understanding” (Ephesians 3:19).
My heart for our church is that we would, with hope and rejoicing, “lay aside every
weight, and sin which clings so closely, and (let us) run with endurance the race that is set
before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:1)

Sundays at 8:45am & 11:00am
The Village Church Denton
1106 W. Oak St., Denton, Texas 76201