Emily Cranford
Music Minister
I grew up hearing the name of Jesus spoken and the gospel preached both in my home and at the church we attended, and we were the family who was at church anytime the doors were open. I knew who Jesus was, what He had done for me and what it meant to become a Christian, but my faith had to become my own and not just that of my parents or the Christian culture I was surrounded by. The Lord saw fit to save me when I was 7, at a church camp I attended. In that moment, I wasn’t just hearing the gospel, the Lord opened my eyes to see it and BELIEVE it. As the years of my childhood and adolescence went on, it was easy at times for me to fall into “performative” Christianity, or just saying and doing all the “right” things for the sake of looking good from the outside, but all the while the Lord was steadily growing a real, authentic faith inside of me. He used mentors, friends and family to show me what loving God and loving others should look like.
I came to Denton in 2010 to attend UNT for jazz studies, and over the next decade, God saw fit to change everything I thought was going to be doing with my future. From coming to study jazz and being solely in the contract musician world to now, responding to a clear call to ministry at this local body, I marvel at the Lord’s power to provide and give direction in every season and I firmly believe He has firmly planted me and my little family in this city for such a time as this.
Sundays at 8:45am & 11:00am
The Village Church Denton
1106 W. Oak St., Denton, Texas 76201